Encounter 1/17/15

By Alberto Suriel Our calling as Christians is to encounter God through the power of the holy spirit and allow his visible presence to transform our lives. By allowing the holy spirit to move in our lives we build a testimony that others see and are drawn to. Ā That’s evangelism. Encountering him and being transformed. In Luke 19 we see …


By Alberto Suriel This week we look at the story of Jacob (Gen Ā ch:27-30) and David (1 Chronicles ch:16-19) and their relationships with God. One who spent much of his life seeking his own advancement and another who saw God as a prize and not a stepping stone. We live in a culture that flashes fame and fortunate at us …


Sermon By Alberto Suriel What is our capacity? Are we not capable of reaching it through the power of christ. Do we have the strength and the determination to achieve a even greater capacity then what we have now…. Ephesians 1 -14 2nd Kings 5  

Our first missionaries sent out

Kerri and Brandon Basista served our community faithfully during their time with us. When God put it on their hearts to move to New Hampshire and work with His Mansion, we were proud to partner and support them. This was the first time we had raised up leaders and released them into other places.

New name, and a revived vision

A year after the leadership team shifted the church took some time to reflect on all that has happened since it’s start. We began to realize how much we have changed since our community started. Our collective identity had been discovered and we realized our heart to provide a place of belonging for those who were looking for connection. That’s …

Shift in leadership

After several months of praying the Elysium Leadership team knew that Pastor Don’s time as our Lead Pastor had come to an end. After many years of faithfully leading our community a shift began. After spending more time in prayer the Lead Pastor position was given to Pastor Alberto and 3 Elders (Jacob Carroll, Brandon Basisrta, and Chris Cox) were …